★ Animation Effect
The Lenticular Animation effect is created by interlacing multiple frames in
a sequence to give the illusion of motion. It's comparable to watching a film
clip or GIF image, however on a platform that doesn't require energy. For this
effect, it is best when the background stays fixed throughout all the frames.
Usually, this requires a short video clip or sequenced images.
Animation Lenticular
3D Depth Notebook
3D Lenticular Poster
3D Lenticular Depth Animation
3D Depth Notebook
3D Lenticular Poster
3D Lenticular Depth Animation
Contact: Robin Sun
Phone: +86 13728082121
Tel: 0769-86061619
Email: Sale@lxpack.com
Add: 7/F, 49 XiaoBian St, Changan Town, Dongguan, GuangDong,523850 China